The Forensic Science programs’ mission is to develop a future-focused, technology-ready forensic science workforce capable of detecting, recognizing, recovering, generating, interpreting and communicating evidence to understand anomalous events of public interest.


The programs’ focus is on the scientific sub-disciplines of Forensic DNA/Biology, Forensic Chemistry, Forensic Toxicology, Evidence Collection/Retrieval, Data Analytics, and Probabilistic Interpretation.


Students from MSFS and minor-FS are able to demonstrate the following skills:

build forensically relevant hypotheses

appropriately generate and store data from traces and remnants of past activities that distinguish forensically relevant hypotheses

properly interpret data using forensically relevant propositions; and

successfully communicate the findings and interpretation


Letter from the MSFS Faculty and Students:

Welcome to a community of active lifelong learning in the Program of Forensic Sciences at Rutgers University–Camden!

Today’s forensic scientists are essential to modern society, driving innovation that permits a safe community and fair justice for all. We are home to six independent research laboratories, each at the forefront of their disciplines. This breadth and depth of understanding informs and guides our minor and master’s in forensic science program and enhances your education. We are committed to fostering an open environment that enhances professional growth and inquiry, leading to fair and just investigations and evaluations of evidence. While we are large enough to have all the resources and opportunities to support a well-articulated research division, we are small enough to support a student-centric, individualized education model. Students learn valuable and professional skills with a broad societal perspective preparing them for a productive life of learning and accomplishment.

Our students have become forensic industry specialists, application specialists, forensic advisors, and forensic laboratory scientists. They have been nominated as NJ Governor STEM scholars, have been awarded NJ Association of Forensic Scientist Scholarships and regularly present at conferences like AAFS, ISHI, NEAFS and NJAFS. Our faculty are among ISFG Fellowship, TIAFT, ASCLD Innovation, Edison Patent, NIJ, DOD, and NIST awardees. 

We are proud of our service to the forensic science ecosystem, and look forward to working with you!