General Forensic (412) Graduate Courses
** required MSFS course; *may be used towards MSFS requirements. Recommended electives are highlighted.
56:412:525 Forensic Science Theory and Policy** (3) This course aims to introduce the theoretical framework of forensic science from both an academic and practitioner viewpoint. Students will be familiarized with a range of forensic techniques, forensic terminology, and forensic procedures and protocols. We will examine the strengths and weaknesses of a number of common forensic techniques. Finally, we will consider a number of related disciplines and issues, such as evidence admissibility, the CSI effect, human rights, forensic regulation, standards, and quality control to gain a broader understanding of forensics’ modern role and future development within criminal justice.
56:412:526 Crime Scene Investigation** (3) This course introduces students to the documentation, identification, collection, and preservation of evidence at a scene. Students will learn and demonstrate the practical and scientific skills, methods, and techniques required to process a crime scene.
56:412:527 Forensic Pattern Evidence** (3) This course introduces students to the recovery and analysis of pattern evidence which includes fingerprints, footwear, tool and tire marks, blood spatter, and ballistics.
56:412:700 Research in Forensic Science** (2) This course consists of the commencement of original research in forensic science in collaboration with a forensic science research advisor. The start of research should begin in the first semester.
56:412:701 Research in Forensic Science** (2) This course consists of the continuation of original research in forensic science in collaboration with a member of the forensic science faculty.
56:412:702 Research in Forensic Science and Capstone** (4) This course consists of the final semester of original research in forensic science in collaboration with a member of the faculty. The culmination of this research will result in a capstone paper drafted in the form of a journal article and an public oral presentation.
56:412:529 Forensic Trace Evidence (3) This course introduces students to the recovery and analysis of trace evidence which includes hair, fibers, glass, paint, pollen, soil, and other residues. Principles and techniques are derived from both the biological and physical sciences.
56:412:590 International Perspectives of Forensic Science (3)This course aims to introduce the history and evolution of forensic science, significant cases, and the framework of international standards within forensic science. Students will learn how forensic science is practiced in the U.K., the strengths and weaknesses of the U.S. and U.K. systems, and how the discipline is changing in each country. The course includes a trip to the U.K. during which students will visit court in session, forensic laboratories, museums with forensic significance, and academic institutions at the forefront of forensic research.
56:412:595 Special Topics in Forensic Science (3) This course aims to provide students with instruction in a specialist area of forensic science.
56:412:596 Special Topics in Forensic Science (3) This course aims to provide students with instruction in a specialist area of forensic science.
56:412:680 Forensic Science Symposium (1) This course is required to prepare forensic science students for graduate-level academic work as well as to introduce them to the professional world of forensics science. Topics include critical review of academic literature, professional presentation skills, résumé vs. CV preparation, and graduate-level academic writing. Students will have the opportunity to visit the forensic science workplace and to attend professional events.
56:412:800 Internship in Forensic Science and Moot Court (4) Students are required to complete a 120-hour internship. Internships may be at an external organization (e.g., a private or public forensic laboratory) or internships may be conducted internally with a member of faculty. Finally, students will take part in a mock courtroom experience in which they present forensic evidence in the form of a case file. Students are expected to provide direct and cross-examination testimony.
56:412:681 Forensic Science Research Methods (2) This course is required to prepare forensic science students for their research project proposal. Topics include experimental design, literature research, proposal writing, research execution, and results reporting.
Biochemistry (115) Graduate Courses
56:115:530 Forensic & Analytical Molecular Biology** (3) This course provides a survey of the theories, quantitative analysis methods and molecular bio-techniques commonly employed in forensic operations. Topics include genome structure, nucleic acid extraction, real-time PCR, digital PCR, end-point PCR, recombinant DNA techniques, interrelationship of DNA-RNA-protein synthesis, capillary electrophoresis, Sanger sequencing, massive parallel sequencing, dynamic modeling and probabilistic genotyping for inference.
56:115:531 Forensic DNA Laboratory** (1) At the completion of this course students will have an understanding of basic protocols, bio-analytical techniques and procedures commonly applied in forensic DNA testing. They will be exposed to state-of-the-art forensic DNA interpretation methods based on probabilistic genotyping and will gain experience with common DNA extraction procedures, the polymerase chain reaction, the absolute quantification with real-time PCR, DNA fragment analysis using capillary electrophoresis and quality control measures implemented in the human identification laboratory.
56:115:571 Forensic Serology (3) This course addresses the theory and practice of forensic serology. Students will learn the presumptive and confirmatory testing methods used to determine the type and source of biological stains along with new technologies under development. Advanced techniques such as qPCR and mass spectrometry may also be explored.
56:115:573 Forensic Serology Laboratory (1) This lab section provides practical training in forensic serological techniques. Exposure to techniques including lateral flow immunochromatography and microscopy for purposes of fluid-type categorization will be explored. Pre- or Co-requisite: 56:115:571
56:115:511,512 Biochemistry I, II (3,3) Study of the structure and function of proteins and enzymes. Analysis of the chemistry of carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids. Detailed survey of metabolic pathways, with an emphasis on regulation.
56:115:522 Protein Structure and Function (3) Basic structural principles of polypeptides, mechanisms of enzyme catalysis, biophysical techniques used in the determination of protein structure, protein folding, protein-protein interactions, protein engineering.
56:115:524 Natural Product Chemistry (3) Survey of carbohydrates, amino acids, peptides, biopolymers, heteroaromatics, terpenes, steroids, fatty acids, and alkaloids.
56:115:525 Pharmaceutical Chemistry (3) This class will focus on the drug likeness of chemicals. Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism and Exclusion (ADME) and toxicity are those critical reasons to determine a compound to be an efficacious drug-like compound or not. The application of ADME/Tox research has been expanded from optimizing in vivo pharmacokinetics and safety to designing proper bioassay protocols. This class is to teach the students who will have the potentials to be engaged in the research and design process of new drugs.
56:115:527 Bionanotechnology: Discovery, Assembly, Function and Application (3) Bionanotechnology is an emerging field that applies the fundamentals of nanotechnology to solving relevant biological and chemical problems and refining new methods and tools for medicine and energy. Nanotechnology refers to the revolutionary technology that manipulates matter with matter with at least one dimension sized from 1 to 100 nanometers. Molecular structures exhibit unique properties at this scale where the quantum phenomenon starts to play an important role as compared to bulk materials. Bionanotechnology describes the overlapping multidisciplinary activities where photonics, chemistry, biology, biophysics, nano-medicine, and engineering converge.
56:115:575,576 Special Topics in Biochemistry (Variable) Subject matter varies according to the expertise of the instructor and is drawn from areas of current biochemical interest.
Chemistry (160) Graduate Courses
56:160:580 Forensic Chemistry** (3) This course introduces students to the intersection of chemistry, its principles and techniques, with the criminal justice system. Topics such as drug detection, arson investigation, and trace evidence will be addressed.
56:160:582 Forensic Chemistry Lab** (1) This lab will instruct students in the practical techniques used in a Forensic Chemistry Unit. Students will learn presumptive and confirmatory testing methods. Pre- or Co-requisite: 56:160:580
56:160:584 Forensic Toxicology* (3) This course addresses the detection, identification and quantitation of foreign chemicals (toxins) in the body. Students will utilize their theoretical knowledge of pharmacology to develop their knowledge of the types of toxic substances and matrices encountered and the procedures by which these are tested in the laboratory.
56:160:611 Fundamentals of Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics* (3) This course provides a theoretical foundation of pharmacology including pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. Topics include absorption, distribution, pharmacological effects, metabolism and excretion of foreign chemicals with an emphasis on drugs of abuse.
56:160:523 Statistical Methods of Chemistry** (3) Basic statistical thinking and introduction to probability with applications for scientists, with an emphasis on analytical chemistry and biochemistry applications such as forensic science, clinical chemistry and environmental chemistry.
56:160:601 Seminar in Chemistry (1) **A variety of topics of current interest regularly presented and discussed by students, faculty, and invited experts. Full-time graduate students must give an oral presentation annually.
56:160:586 Forensic Toxicology Laboratory (1) State of the art methods related to the detection and interpretation of forensically relevant toxicological substances. Pre- or Co-requisite: 56:160:584
56:160:506 Materials Chemistry (3) Introduction to the study of materials, including the relationships between the structures and properties of materials.
56:160:508 Organic Mechanisms: Nucleophiles and Bases (3) An introduction to nucleophilic organic reaction mechanisms. How to correctly represent a reaction mechanism. Instruction in critical thinking and problem solving to elucidate and critically evaluate organic reaction mechanisms involving nucleophiles and bases.
Prerequisite: 50:160:336 or equivalent.
56:160:509 Organic Mechanisms: Electrophiles and Acids (3) An introduction to electrophilic organic reaction mechanisms and what they mean. How to correctly represent a reaction mechanism. Instruction in critical thinking and problem solving to elucidate and critically evaluate organic reaction mechanisms involving electrophiles and acids. Prerequisite: 50:160:336 or equivalent.
56:160:510 Organic Mechanisms: Radicals (3) An introduction to radical organic reaction mechanisms. How to correctly represent single electron movement in a mechanism. Instruction in critical thinking and problem solving to elucidate and critically evaluate radical mechanisms. This course focuses on radical, single electron, and photochemical reactions. Prerequisite: 50:160:336 or equivalent.
56:160:511 Advanced Organic Chemistry I (3) Advanced survey of organic chemistry. Molecular orbital theory, orbital symmetry correlations, structure and stereochemistry of organic molecules, chemistry of reactive intermediates (including free radicals), photochemistry, structure-reactivity relationships, and molecular rearrangements. Prerequisites: 50:160:335,336, or equivalent.
56:160:512 Advanced Organic Chemistry II (3) Advanced survey of synthetic transformations and reaction mechanisms.
56:160:513 Organic Analysis (3) Interpretation and use of infrared, visible, and ultraviolet spectroscopy; mass spectrometry; and nuclear magnetic resonance for the identification of organic compounds. Combination with separation techniques is included.
56:160:514 Introduction to Molecular Modeling (3) Introduction to the use of computer-assisted molecular modeling techniques for the study of chemical problems; lectures on theoretical principles; instruction in use of modern modeling programs; and computer projects involving solution of chemical problems.
56:160:515 Polymer Chemistry I (3) Introduction to the chemistry of macromolecules, aimed at understanding the relationship between molecular structures and properties of high polymers. This course includes an overview of polymer nomenclature, molecular weight properties, types of polymerization, structure (morphology), characterization, and testing of polymers. Prerequisite: 50:160:336 or equivalent.
56:160:516 Polymer Chemistry II (3) Continuing to explore the chemistry of macromolecules, aimed at understanding the relationship between molecular structures and properties of high polymers. Prerequisite or Co-requisite: 56:160:515.
56:160:517 Polymer Chemistry Laboratory (1) Instruction in the use of major instrumentation for the characterization of physical properties of high polymers.
56:160:519 Fluorocarbons (3) Provides a survey of the chemistry of fluorinated organic molecules emphasizing a broad mechanistic basis. Areas covered include comparisons of fluorinated and hydrocarbon compounds; introduction of organofluorine chemistry; preparation of highly fluorinated molecules; partial and selective fluorination, influence of fluorine and fluorocarbon groups on reaction centers; nucleophilic displacement and elimination from fluorocarbon systems: polyfluoroalkanes, -alkenes, and -alkynes; polyfluoroaromatic compounds; organometallic compounds, and 19F nuclear magnetic resonance.
56:160:520 Math Methods of Chemistry (3) Select aspects of infinite series, vectors and matrices, functions of a complex variable, differential equations, and integral transforms as they are used in chemistry.
56:160:522 Applied Molecular Spectroscopy (3) Principles of electronic and vibrational spectroscopy of polyatomic molecules. Emphasis on the ways in which spectra yield information about molecular properties.
56:160:531 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry (3) An introduction to the discipline of inorganic chemistry including periodic properties, bonding theory, solids, redox, acid/base chemistry, and coordination chemistry.
56:160:532 Organometallic Chemistry (3) Introduction to the chemistry of transition-metal organometallic compounds. Includes an overview of ligand types, reactions, synthesis, and characterization of organometallic compounds.
56:160:533 Symmetry Applications in Chemistry (3) Principles and applications of molecular and crystal symmetry. Topics include point groups, character tables, representations of groups, and other aspects of group theory; symmetry applications in structure and bonding; molecular orbital theory and ligand field theory; and selection rules for electronic, vibrational, and rotational spectroscopy.
56:160:534 NMR Spectroscopy (3) Introduction to the physical principles underlying one of the most widespread and useful tools for chemical analysis. Starting from the descriptions of the phenomenon, a physical picture of NMR experiments in liquids will be developed and the connection between the concepts and actual laboratory practices will be emphasized. The course will include: roles of chemical shifts, couplings, and relaxation effects in analysis of chemical structure and bonding. Two-dimensional NMR will explain what happens, how the experiment is selected, and how data is interpreted. A survey of solid state NMR and some emerging technologies will be discussed. Prerequisites: 50:160:326 and 346, or equivalent.
56:160:540 Advanced Environmental Chemistry (3) The objective of this course is to develop a solid and practical understanding of the chemistry of air, water, and soil and how anthropogenic activities affect the balance of this chemistry. Specifically, we will examine how chemicals move through the environment, their reaction, and transport phenomena. We would evaluate public policy, student current remediation processes, measurements, and data interpretation. The students should expect to apply chemistry and mathematical concepts to solve remediation process design problems and express and understand scientific models.
56:160:541 Electrochemistry (3) Theory and applications of electrochemical principles and techniques, including voltametry, potentiometry, chronopotentiometry, and spectroelectrochemistry.
56:160:545 Radiochemistry and Radiation Chemistry (3) Interactions of ionizing radiation with matter and the resulting radiation-induced chemical reactions: excitation, ionization, free radical formation and recombination; chemical consequences of nuclear reactions; and “hot atom” chemistry. Prerequisite: 50:160:415 or equivalent.
56:160:547 Computational Chemistry (3) Application of the concepts and techniques of modern computational chemistry to physical organic and biochemistry. Lecture and computer laboratory.
56:160:555 Cheminformatics (3) Application of the concepts and techniques of modern computational chemistry to physical organic and biochemistry. Lecture and computer laboratory.
56:160:575,576 Special Topics in Chemistry (Variable) Subject matter varies according to the interest of the instructor and is drawn from areas of current interest.
Computational (121) Graduate Courses
56:121:530 Essentials of Computational Science I (3) This course introduces the basics of modern computer programming to beginning graduate students without a background in computer science. Topics covered are: control statements; arrays and lists; classes, objects and methods; inheritance; polymorphism; exception handling; file streams and serialization; recursion; searching and sorting. Students are required to use an up-to-date integrated development environment (IDE) to complete a number of programming assignments.
56:121:535 Applied Probability (3) An introduction to probability theory and the modeling and analysis of probabilistic systems with emphasis on applications in computer science, engineering, and data science. Probabilistic models, conditional probability. Discrete and continuous random variables. Expectation and conditional expectation. Limit Theorems. Bernoulli and Poisson processes. Markov chains. Bayesian estimation and hypothesis testing. Elements of statistical inference.