The career of a Forensic Scientist begins at the undergraduate phase with career building starting as early as the first day of classes. The professors, directors and staff provide emerging forensic scientists mentorship, guiding them in their professional path.

Catherine M. Grgicak,
Associate Professor & Program Director


beakers with yellow liquid

Learning modern forensic techniques and solving grand forensic challenges while working with an experienced research team fosters a future-ready forensic professional able to meet the demands of the forensic field.

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Many find that a minor in forensic science is a useful addition to another STEM major. This minor also serves to prepare non-STEM majors who are interested in transitioning to forensic science.

This program is for Rutgers STEM undergraduate students interested in obtaining a B.S. and M.S. degrees within five years. The student should notify the program of their interest in the Fall of their junior year.